Monday, June 2, 2014

Come What May & What May Come


I have a boyfriend...










That is what I just said.

In the past I lived with a life motto roughly around the idea of if I stay positive, things will be good. It pretty much seemed to work.  I was very positive, and I found positive things in my life to appreciate.

Come what may, and I'll just appreciate the good things as much as I can.  (Just pretend I didn't invoke memories of an Elder Wirthlin talk.)

It is really hard to find the good stuff when things kind of just generally suck in your life.  I guess what I'm here to say is, things can get way, way, way better.  If I can finally figure out how to get into a good relationship and how to find someone insane enough to be in a relationship with me--you can get past whatever constant struggles seem to be in your life.  When the shit has hit the fan, I guess you just really have to get out your binoculars and look into the future... consider the amazing things that may come.

This isn't a great post probably... but I'm just happy and felt like saying so...



Say whatever you want.